Friday, September 25, 2009

Moby Clique (Bard Academy) by Cara Lockwood

Summer's gone and passed and Miranda hasn't felt any better since she left Bard Academy. But for the first time in a while she actually can't wait to go back to school. At least she was supposed to be if it hadn't been for the fact that her little sister Lindsey has been forced to come with her.
To make matters worse, Lindsey only seems to be sucking up to Parker and crushing on Miranda's ex, Ryan. But trouble is slowly arising on the waters and Miranda's going to need some help from her butt-kissing sister and a few more classic characters.
This novel draws you in almost as quickly as the other two do, and we certainly hope we get to see more of this soon!


  1. This series is so original. There has to be a 4th one.

  2. i need the fourth bookkk! please please please please write it and soonn!

  3. I too need a fourth book.

    I'm always telling everyone I love this series and they need to buy it.

    Anyway, I heard something about a Bring Bard Back week (super late, I know) but if it's still on, is there a link or something I can put in my blog?

    Please, let me know, nothing would make me happier than more Miranda and Heathcliff!!


  4. yeahh,,,we need 4th book!!

    and i wanna see bard series in cinema soon,and i'll be waiting,,im hoping,,bard is great!!we WANT bard so badly!!!!go CARA,we always behind you =)

    from kaesya khalid 22,kuala lumpur,malaysia

  5. I may no longer be a teenager, but I still LOVE reading this series (and so do all of my friends!!!) I really hope that this series is able to continue as these books are truly addicting!!!


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