Friday, September 11, 2009

Soulmates by LJane Smith

While I do love all the books in the series, this is the first one that actually starts to show an actual plot rather than some love triangle or something that includes love.
Hannah has been seeing a psychiatrist, for a very good reason. She's been finding notes telling her she's going to die. In her own handwriting. She sees things that no one else can see, things about the future of the world, and a few from the past.
She sees a dark mysterious stranger in different forms and different times dating back from pre-historic eras. And in each memory she sees, they all end the same way. Her death.
So when this mysterious stranger, who just happens to be more than dead, appears in her life, will she resist temptation and the will to live, or will her love for him win out in the end?
This is the perfect start to the plot of the series, and even though unexpected from LJane, it doesn't make it any less amazing.

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